eMDR therapy
A powerful approach to relieve intense symptoms.
Does the past consistently creep into the present? EMDR can help rewire your brain in a healthier way so old, upsetting, or traumatic experiences no longer impact your day-to-day life.
Eye-Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing Therapy
EMDR is a powerful treatment for traumatic or upsetting memories, PTSD, anxiety, or other intense symptoms that aren’t improving through talk therapy alone.
Do you feel stuck? EMDR relieves your intense symptoms so you can heal and move on.
Have you ever thought of something upsetting and suddenly feel like you’re reliving it all over again? You replay events or conversations over and over until you’re spiraling and freaking out.
Maybe you overreact to things or keep making harmful decisions and don’t understand why, especially when you know what to do.
When you experience something upsetting, it can get locked in your brain with the original images, thoughts, sounds, feelings, and body sensations.
Because your brain can’t properly process and integrate that information, you continue to re-experience it as though it’s still happening now.
This is why it can be so hard to forget about or “get over” something: your brain won’t let you! Thankfully, your icky symptoms don’t have to stick around forever.
EMDR therapy releases stuck memories to reduce the volume of your symptoms so you can understand, heal, and move on.
what does EMDR Therapy Treat?
EMDR is one of the most well researched and empirically validated trauma treatments. Not only is it the gold standard for treating PTSD, it’s been shown to effectively treat a wide range of other concerns, including:
Anxiety & Panic
Trauma & PTSD
Grief & Loss
Traumatic Childhood Events
Chronic Pain
Low Self-Esteem
Disturbing Memories
Nightmares & Insomnia
Traumatic Events
How does EMDR work?
EMDR stands for Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing:
Eye-movement: bilateral stimulation (BLS) means moving your eyes back and forth to engage your left and right brain hemispheres
Desensitization: the eye movements decrease the intensity of your memory and releases that information from your nervous system
Reprocessing: we install healthier, more adaptive self-beliefs to create a template for responding to similar situations in the future
You’ll be desensitized to your memory, which changes the way you experience it in the present. Without those symptoms dominating your experience, your brain can find new insight and information.
This allows you to make decisions based on what matters to you, not what your symptoms tell you to do.
The goal of eMDR is to significantly reduce or remove negative symptoms so you can heal and move on.
We don't try to change your memories or create false ones. We target your symptoms, decreasing the intensity so you can learn from your experiences. This will change your relationship with your past so it no longer has a stranglehold on the present.
What are the 8 phases of EMDR?
History & Background: I’ll get a solid background on what things are like for you today. What symptoms are showing up for you? What’s your life like right now? What are your hopes and goals? We then tie your current symptoms to old and upsetting memories, which we call targets.
Phase 1
Preparation & Resourcing : Once we’ve picked a memory to reprocess, I’ll walk you through the entire process so you know exactly what to expect. We’ll pick your preferred method of bilateral stimulation (eye movements or tapping) and I’ll teach you some EMDR-specific relaxation and containment exercises.
Phase 2
Memory Reprocessing: We use bilateral stimulation (moving your eyes back and forth) to desensitize and reprocess your memory using your brain’s natural healing process. Processing is done when the memory no longer bothers or upsets you. We then install positive self-beliefs (what you prefer to feel about yourself).
Phases 3-6
Closure & Future Templates: We’ll wrap up processing by checking that your negative symptoms are gone, and then we’ll look towards the future by creating what’s called a “future template” for how you’d like to handle potential, similar situations differently in the future.
the Benefits of EMDR Therapy
Relief from Severe Symptoms
EMDR turns down the volume on upsetting symptoms. Even if you recognize something is there, it will no longer have the same negative impact.
This opens up space to find meaning, learn things about yourself, and make choices that serve you.
Positive Self-Talk
EMDR can install new, positive self-beliefs that are applicable to a wide range of experiences. It’s how you prefer to view yourself, so it’s never fake.
These new beliefs will help you cultivate more compassion and kindness towards yourself.
Better Boundaries
When you think kindly of yourself, you’ll be better equipped to create and hold boundaries, manage conflict, and connect with others.
You’ll feel less anxious asking for what you need and standing up for what matters to you.
EMDR Resources
Frequently Asked Questions
The first session is a chance for you to fill me in on your lived experience, and what your hopes and goals are for therapy. I often recommend jotting down a few notes beforehand if you’re unsure of what you’d like to address.
We’ll collaboratively decide what to work on and I’ll give you some helpful tools to practice between sessions.
I work with adults 21+ struggling with anxiety, panic, phobias, anger, and PTSD symptoms (such as nightmares or intrusive thoughts).
If you have a concern that falls outside of these issues, please reach out for a free consultation call to discuss further.
Weekly EMDR sessions are recommended to make consistent progress towards your goals.
Once we begin reprocessing a memory, large gaps between sessions means potentially losing valuable connections and memory networks, and impedes progress.
The amount of time depends on what you’re going through and is different for everyone. Some clients choose to work on as many memories as needed in order to feel the full effects of EMDR. Other clients elect to work on only the most impactful memories.
After each memory is processed, we’ll collaboratively decide which memory to work on next or if the work feels complete. If so, we’ll install a “future template” and wrap up.
Some clients also choose to take talk therapy breaks between EMDR targets.
You don’t need to fully remember something to process it since we’re targeting the symptoms and not the content.
Your memories and experiences are already in your brain, and EMDR taps into your brain’s natural healing process in a controlled manner.
You’ll observe what happens in the present moment, so there’s no need to remember things accurately.
Check out my in-depth blog post answering the most common questions about EMDR to see if this treatment is the right fit for you.
You can also fill out the form to schedule a free 15-minute consultation call.
Still have more questions? Reach out to schedule a free 15-minute consultation call to get all your questions answered.