As Featured In: Bustle, mindBodyGreen, Hello Giggles

ashleigh edelstein featured in

I’m excited to once again share some of my latest features in various online publications!

This time, we’re all about diving into the best ways to navigate some of the most common relationship struggles.

You’ll learn about how to handle a betrayal, what your sleeping position says about your relationship, and a concept called micro-cheating.

Bustle: 5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Giving Your Partner a Second Chance

What do we do when we feel betrayed by our partner? How do we know whether to give them another chance?

In this article, I share my thoughts on what it means to give someone another chance to do better and why it’s important for your relationship. I also discuss how to communicate your needs and set boundaries, and to examine whether a behavior is a deal breaker.

Every relationship is different, and every one will have unique expectations and boundaries. The most important thing to remember is that no matter what, clear and honest communication provides a strong foundation to feel safe, secure, and weather any storms.

Related: How to Be Assertive - Communication Skills Training

mindbodygreen: The Most Popular Sleeping Positions Among Couples Might Surprise You

Can your sleeping position reveal insights about your relationship?

A recent survey found that more than half of couples don’t touch or cuddle while they sleep, which some may find surprising. I offer some insights into why this may be, including reasons couples may prefer to sleep without touching. I also discuss whether this could potentially spell doom for a relationship.

Just like each relationship is unique, so is each person’s sleeping preference. What’s most important is examining whether your habits are reflected elsewhere in your relationship, and whether they feel concerning.

Hello Giggle: What is Considered Cheating in a Relationship?

It’s easy to label something as cheating until we’re actually faced with the dilemma in our relationship.

What defines cheating is unique to every relationship, based on a couple’s background, values, and attachment history, among other factors. In this article, I talk about a concept called micro-cheating - subtle behaviors that may not register as cheating, but could be crossing a boundary - and what to do if you suspect your partner is engaging in this kind of behavior.

I then offer guidance on how to start a dialogue with your partner to lay out ground rules, set expectations, and firm up boundaries. The ability to have an open dialogue with someone is key to sustaining healthy relationships.


Need to Set boundaries but aren’t sure how?

Check out my FREE mini workshop: Setting Boundaries That Actually Work. Learn practical strategies to confidently express yourself without feeling anxious, overwhelmed, or mean.


Hope you found these articles helpful!

When we’re dealing with relationship struggles, I believe it’s important to start with some self-reflection. Take a moment to reflect on your relationships, whether it’s a romantic one, platonic friendship, or family.

  • Are there things going unsaid?

  • Do you have some unmet needs or things you’re afraid to bring up?

Think about what you’re hoping for and what gets in the way.

Having an open and honest talk is a crucial step towards repair and growth. And while the other person may not be able to give you what you need (or even have the capacity to hear what you’re saying), honestly expressing yourself is what’s most important.

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As Featured In: NBC News, UpJourney, I AM & CO