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How to Stop Wasting Your Free Time
If you’d like to stop wasting your free time and actually enjoy it, then read on for some simple tips to find more joy and meaning in your day-to-day.
3 Simple Tools To Calm Down a Panic Attack
Panic attacks can feel sudden and terrifying. The good news is that there are ways to calm yourself down! Here are 3 simple tools to calm down during a panic attack.
What Is EMDR and How Does It Work? All Your EMDR Questions Answered
Curious about EMDR Therapy? If you've got symptoms you're tired of struggling with, this powerful treatment can help turn down the volume to give you relief. Get answers to the most common EMDR questions so you can decide whether it's the right treatment for you.
How to Start a Project You've Been Avoiding
Is there a project, hobby, or task that’s been on your mind for some time now? Getting started is often the hardest part, and any momentum can also get derailed by procrastination. Here’s how to get started on that project you’ve been avoiding.
5 Ways to Reduce Stress Today
Managing your stress to prevent burn out is more important than ever. Make protecting your mental and physical health a top priority with these 5 simple steps.
5 Simple Ways to Stop Procrastinating Today
Are you trying to get things done, but find procrastination gets in the way? While procrastination can be tricky, it’s possible to overcome the urge and stop letting it control your life. Learn 5 simple tools to help you get things done.
How to Manage Anxiety About Uncertainty
If you’re feeling overwhelmed by anxiety, panic, or hopelessness, I want to offer some extra support and give you some tools to manage these feelings.
What Is EMDR and How Does It Work? Part 2
EMDR (Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a powerful, research-based therapy that helps you reprocess traumatic and distressing memories. Here are even more of the most common EMDR questions to ensure it's the right approach for you.
How to Stop Worrying and Overthinking
Do you replay things over and over again? Are worries distracting you during the day or keeping you up at night? If you struggle with constant worry and rumination, here are some tips to help you break out of the cycle and get your life back.
As Featured In: Better Homes & Gardens
I’m excited to share some of my latest features! I offer tips and tools for creating and maintaining boundaries with family over holiday gatherings, how to support someone struggling with the pandemic, whether watching the news is bad for your mental health, gratitude journal recommendations.
How to Let Go of Control To Feel Less Anxious
When you feel uncertain, it’s natural for your brain to try to control things to retain a sense of safety. Unfortunately, trying to control the uncontrollable is a sure-fire way to feel anxious. Here are some tips to let go of things out of your control so you can feel less anxious and more grounded.
As Featured In: NBC News, UpJourney, I AM & CO
I’m excited to share some of my latest features! I offer tips and tools for creating and maintaining a realistic cleaning schedule, discuss why hope is an important part of life, and talk about what it means to go with the flow.