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How to Stop Wasting Your Free Time
If you’d like to stop wasting your free time and actually enjoy it, then read on for some simple tips to find more joy and meaning in your day-to-day.
How to Prioritize Your Mental Health
Do you struggle to prioritize your mental health? Learn simple skills and strategies to effectively prioritize your mental health, so you can feel better and start doing more of what matters to you.
3 Myths about being nice to yourself
Are you really hard on yourself? Today I’m breaking down the most common myths to help you stop beating yourself up and start building up your confidence.
How to Be Nice To Yourself When You Mess Up
Learn about the most helpful way to be nicer to yourself when you make a mistake. This is going to help you not only cope better when you mess up, but actually learn from your experiences. It’s called self-compassion and it really works.
How to Deal With a Negative Friend
Are you finding you just don't have the bandwidth to listen to someone complain (especially if it's about the same stuff), and are wondering how to tell them to stop being negative all the time? Here are some simple ways to deal with a negative person.
What is Kitchen Anxiety (and How to Cope)
Have you ever felt nervous using shared spaces because you don’t feel like dealing with people? Then you’ve probably experienced kitchen anxiety! If you’re struggling with this and need some ways to cope, read on to get my best tips for overcoming it.
10 tips To Make Working From Home More Productive
If you’re planning to stay remote for the foreseeable future, here are some tips to make working from home a little bit easier and lot more productive.
3 Simple Tools To Calm Down a Panic Attack
Panic attacks can feel sudden and terrifying. The good news is that there are ways to calm yourself down! Here are 3 simple tools to calm down during a panic attack.
What Is EMDR and How Does It Work? All Your EMDR Questions Answered
Curious about EMDR Therapy? If you've got symptoms you're tired of struggling with, this powerful treatment can help turn down the volume to give you relief. Get answers to the most common EMDR questions so you can decide whether it's the right treatment for you.
3 Ways to Deal With Toxic Family Over The Holidays
If you or someone you know is dreading an upcoming holiday but are still planning to attend, here are 3 tips (plus a bonus tip!) to get through it with your sanity intact.
How to Be More Assertive
Do you wish you were more assertive in your personal and professional life? Read on to learn simple, actionable tools you can use to be more assertive with friends, family, romantic partners, and at work.
How to Build Healthy Habits (and Stick to Them)
Do you have a new habit or routine you’re struggling to maintain? Here are some simple, actionable steps to create and maintain healthy habits that you can actually stick to.
5 Ways to Reduce Stress Today
Managing your stress to prevent burn out is more important than ever. Make protecting your mental and physical health a top priority with these 5 simple steps.
5 Simple Ways to Stop Procrastinating Today
Are you trying to get things done, but find procrastination gets in the way? While procrastination can be tricky, it’s possible to overcome the urge and stop letting it control your life. Learn 5 simple tools to help you get things done.
How to Manage Anxiety About Uncertainty
If you’re feeling overwhelmed by anxiety, panic, or hopelessness, I want to offer some extra support and give you some tools to manage these feelings.
What Is EMDR and How Does It Work? Part 2
EMDR (Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a powerful, research-based therapy that helps you reprocess traumatic and distressing memories. Here are even more of the most common EMDR questions to ensure it's the right approach for you.
7 Tips to Avoid Loneliness When Working From Home
If you work from home, you know all too well how isolating it can be and how quickly you can become demotivated. Here are some tips to help you overcome loneliness and feelings of isolation, so you can stay motivated and engaged.
How to Stop Worrying and Overthinking
Do you replay things over and over again? Are worries distracting you during the day or keeping you up at night? If you struggle with constant worry and rumination, here are some tips to help you break out of the cycle and get your life back.
7 Ways to Support a Grieving Teen
Losing a loved one is one of the most painful things a person can go through. You may feel stuck wondering how to help, what to say, or what to do. There are lots of different ways to support a grieving loved one, here are a few you may find helpful.
6 Ways to Support a Partner with Depression
Does your partner struggle with depression or another mental health concern? Here are 6 ways to support a partner struggling with their mental health.