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How to Deal With a Negative Friend
Are you finding you just don't have the bandwidth to listen to someone complain (especially if it's about the same stuff), and are wondering how to tell them to stop being negative all the time? Here are some simple ways to deal with a negative person.
What is Kitchen Anxiety (and How to Cope)
Have you ever felt nervous using shared spaces because you don’t feel like dealing with people? Then you’ve probably experienced kitchen anxiety! If you’re struggling with this and need some ways to cope, read on to get my best tips for overcoming it.
3 Ways to Deal With Toxic Family Over The Holidays
If you or someone you know is dreading an upcoming holiday but are still planning to attend, here are 3 tips (plus a bonus tip!) to get through it with your sanity intact.
How to Deal With a Bad Roommate
Are you living with someone that annoys you, disrespects you, or intrudes on your space? If you’re dealing with a bad roommate and want to change things, here are some simple steps to set firm boundaries and make your home yours again.
How to Stay Calm During a Fight
If you tend to blow up during fights, then these tips will help you resolve what’s happening without damaging your relationships.
7 Relationship Green Flags
If you’re hoping to build more healthy relationships, then it’s important to not only pay attention to red flags, but also actively seek out green flags as well. If you’re currently in a relationship or hoping to start a new one, here are 7 relationship green flags to look for.
5 Tools to Reduce Conflict With Your Teen
Are you tired of having the same arguments again and again with your teen? Here are 5 helpful tools to reduce unproductive conflict to finally resolve what’s going on.