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10 Small Ways to Improve Your Life
Are you looking for small ways to improve your life? Maybe you’re hoping to cut out bad habits and replace them with more productive and healthy ones. Here are 10 small ways to improve your life.
How to Prioritize Your Mental Health
Do you struggle to prioritize your mental health? Learn simple skills and strategies to effectively prioritize your mental health, so you can feel better and start doing more of what matters to you.
3 Myths about being nice to yourself
Are you really hard on yourself? Today I’m breaking down the most common myths to help you stop beating yourself up and start building up your confidence.
12 Life-Changing Books to Read This Year (Updated for 2025)
Looking for a new book that just might change your life? I’ve narrowed down the top 12 therapist-approved books that I consistently recommend so you can make positive, lasting changes.
5 Tips to Set New Year's Resolutions That Stick
The start of a new year is a great time to set intentions and resolutions. Unfortunately, most people struggle to stick with their resolutions for a variety of reasons. Here are 5 helpful tips to set New Year’s resolutions that stick.
How to Be More Productive Without Burning Out
Nearly everyone accepts multitasking as an effective thing to do and unfortunately, the truth is that multitasking is neither efficient nor effective. Fortunately there's a much better way to get stuff done that will not only save you time, but also prevent burnout.
How to Start a Project You've Been Avoiding
Is there a project, hobby, or task that’s been on your mind for some time now? Getting started is often the hardest part, and any momentum can also get derailed by procrastination. Here’s how to get started on that project you’ve been avoiding.
How to Build Healthy Habits (and Stick to Them)
Do you have a new habit or routine you’re struggling to maintain? Here are some simple, actionable steps to create and maintain healthy habits that you can actually stick to.